Reach Crash Victims When They Need You Most

Reach Crash Victims When They Need You Most

Reach Crash Victims When They Need You Most

How It Works.

Step 1

CrashLink downloads all Ohio crash reports every day. CrashLink reads the crash report and extracts all the data - who’s at fault, who’s a driver vs. and occupant, ages of everyone involved, and the injury severity. You don't need to run CrashLink in this step.

Step 2

You set your filters. This only needs to be done once (although you can always change later).

Step 3

Then CrashLink takes your filters and applies them to the most recent report data to create a mail merge report with the preselected criteria. (CrashLink automatically applies filters–like excluding the driver at fault and excluding children involved in the accident).

Your mail merge report is produced daily. Then, click one button to download your report. CrashLink includes a copy of the CrashReport for each mail merge recipient, in case you want to include the report in your introductory letter.

Step 4

Use your Microsoft Word mail merge template letter and attach your mail merge report as the recipient list and send them.

Save Time and Money

CrashLink downloads Ohio crash reports, pulls the data, filters for potential clients, and creates a mail merge file without you spending a minute of your valuable time. That’s a savings of up to 30 staff hours per day and up to $500–every day!


Drive Revenue

Injured crash victims need your help, and they need it quickly. CrashLink provides the automation to reach accident victims when they need you the most so you can expand your reach, increase your clients, and grow your practice.


Eliminate Errors

Manually transcribing information leads to errors–wrong addresses, including non-qualifying people, and excluding potential clients. CrashLink helps eliminate those errors.